The CFT Book
Given my limited time, keeping good notes has been essential. It allowed me to work on the project even when physically removed from the workbench. I was eventually surprised to find I had over 500 pages of various types of documentation (in various states of incorrectness). Here they all are, converted from the original LaTeX source. Please be aware that these are drafts, potentially years out of date, and the conversion isn't quite working yet.
Please bear in mind that most of the material here is still being converted from my old site, so chapters may be missing and many links will be broken for a while.
Here's what's mostly complete:
Part A: Front Matter
Introductory material to the CFT. Summary of the project, conventions, et cetera.

Part B: The Processor
This part describes the CFT processor, its design and implementation.
Contents (fit to see the light of day):
Part C: Peripherals
A processor isn't much use without some peripherals. Like many minicomputers, the CFT processor has a very close relationship with its peripherals—the line between instruction set extensions and peripherals can be blurred. Basic components for a modern computer like memory are described here, too.