• Alexios
  • research

This is a list of academic publications produced as a direct result of my research work. I make no guarantees about the validity of any of the links below. Most are likely to be dangling by now. Though most of the hard copies and reprints of my published work in my possession were burned in the Edinburgh South Bridge Fire, I still have machine-readable versions of all these papers and will eventually upload most. This is, of course, subject to copyright laws.

Apparently, based on this list of publications, my Erdős Number is 5, both my Knuth and Dijkstra Numbers are 6, and my unexpectedly existent Turing Number is 8.


  • Q. Shen and A. Chouchoulas. A fuzzy-rough approach for generating classification rules. Pattern Recognition, 2002.

  • A. Chouchoulas and Q. Shen. Rough Set-Aided Keyword Reduction for Text Categorisation. Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, 15(9):843-873, 2001.

  • J. Márin-Blazquez, A. Chouchoulas and Q. Shen. An overview of recent approaches to fuzzy modelling. Proceedings of the 2001 UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI'01), 49-56, 2001.

  • Q. Shen and A. Chouchoulas. Rough Set-Based Dimensionality Reduction for Supervised and Unsupervised Learning. Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Special Issue on Rough Sets and their Applications, 11(3):101-119, 2001.

  • Q. Shen and A. Chouchoulas. FuREAP: A Fuzzy-Rough Estimator of Algae Populations. Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 15(1):13-24, 2001.

  • Q. Shen and A. Chouchoulas. Selection of Features in Transparent Fuzzy Modelling. To appear in Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE 2001.

  • A. Chouchoulas and Q. Shen. Rough Set-Based Dimensionality Reduction for Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Rough Sets, pages 112-119, 2000.

  • Q. Shen and A. Chouchoulas. A Modular Approach to Generating Fuzzy Rules with Reduced Attributes for the Monitoring of Complex Systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 13(3):263-278, 2000.

  • Q. Shen and A. Chouchoulas. Knowledge-Based Fault Detection in Industrial Plants Supported by Rough-Fuzzy Learning. Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, pages 669-674, 2000.

  • A. Chouchoulas and Q. Shen. A Rough Set-Based Approach to Text Classification. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Rough Sets (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, No. 1711), pages 118-127, 1999.

  • Q. Shen and A. Chouchoulas. Combining Rough Sets and Data-Driven Fuzzy Learning for Generation of Classification Rules. Pattern Recognition, 32(12), pages 2073-2076, 1999.

  • Q. Shen and A. Chouchoulas. Data-Driven Fuzzy Rule Induction and Its Application to Systems Monitoring. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 928-933, 1999.

  • A. Chouchoulas and Q. Shen. Rough Set-Assisted Rule Induction for Plant Monitoring, Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Information Science, pages 316-319, 1998.

Many of these should be available on Google Scholar.